Happy Women’s History Month! I celebrate myself and all of you who identify as women, this month, and every single day. We have come such a long way, but we have further to go. This brings me to these inspiring videos. As someone who walks daily for mindfulness, exercise, curiosity, health, and healing, I am celebrating these amazing women who are changing lives through the mere act of walking.
Today I am sharing information about this wonderful organization called GirlTREK. GirlTREK describes themselves as “a global movement of Black women leveraging the historic legacy of walking and the power of self-care as a pathway to heal and transform our lives.” Check them out at https://www.girltrek.org but most importantly, please take the time to watch the amazing Ted Talk below.
In watching the video, I was struck by the line “never ask permission to save your own life.”
Another inspirational video that started with a woman’s quest to end gender-based violence:
And finally, the benefits of walking by Nilofer Merchant.
May we continue to grow, walk (for those who are able), be fierce, and unapologetic in how we show up in our desire for equality, freedom, and inclusion.
"If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside.” –Elizabeth von Arnim
Be safe, take care, and celebrate YOU, every single day.
